January 18, 2007

My cures for S.A.D.

Cure #1: Snow. Seriously. I’m so frickin’ happy it finally snowed!!! That rain/sleet/cold/wintery mix was awful. Depressing, gray, ugh. But snow? Snow is fun! You can play in snow! You can ski in the snow! Plus snow reflects light – which in this month’o gray is seriously needed. Not as bad as Moscow needs it, though – check it out. Freaky.

Dexter, however, is not so enamored with the snow:

Cure #2: Fuzzy, Rainbow, Lace
That would be the Falling Water Scarf that you guys have been helping me with. I love it. It’s the colorful thing I need right now to get through all the gray.

#3. Sun. I’m so very glad it was sunny yesterday… but then this morning we're back to the gray... that's ok though - it's supposed to snow more which is perfect since I think we're going to try to go skiing this weekend!


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oh thank goodness for the snow! I hate the endless drear and the MUD. Gimme some snow and sub-freezing temps anyday.

    Scarf looks very nice!

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    oooh ahh on the scarf .. it's so cool! Good Job! I'm not a big fan of snow, but I was beginning to be a little depressed that we hadn't had any and it did not seem like January. HooRah, for snow. Ok, now let's see what that groundhog will say...hee hee.

  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Love the rainbow lace, love the sun . . . but the snow - not so much. But I'm glad it's making you happy!! (And that we don't have any here - yet.)

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    As a fellow Clevelander (hi!), I agree that this snow is great!!! Winter is really not so bad when you've got the white stuff around.

    Your dog is a cutie!

  5. Can you believe that WE got a trace of snow today????!!! Dude, the DS got a 'snow day' off from school because of it! Seriously! They don't have enough equipment and salt to handle any snow or ice effectively here in NC. It's pretty comical to watch people going on and on about a trace of snow. . . .tee hee.

  6. Snow! What's that!?

  7. Still no snow here in T-Town, but the mud is frozen! LOL

    Your scarf is so cheery. It's coming along beautifully!


  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I like snow too - we just have a little bit here in Chicago. The scarf looks great!

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    that scarf is soo pretty!

    The weather everywhere has been so strange... I can't believe there are still people out there that don't believe in global warming.

  10. OHH it's sooo pretty! I hope you bring it to Sit and Knit next week!!

    I hope you get to go skiing! My brother is a big skier and has been totally bummed out by this weather! my hubby hates the snow but I love it (as long as I"m not driving in it) It makes everything so pretty! My pups love the snow! I'm waiting on a snowstorm so I can take them out for a walk in it!

  11. yay - that scarf is gorgeous! and reading michelle's comment re: bringing it to sit and knit, i just realized that i won't be able to go for at least the rest of the semester...boo. i know i haven't gone in forever, but i totally miss it...maybe during spring break.
    anyway, i can't wait to see that scarf in person!!!

  12. Yeah for snow! We had a light blanket of snow yesterday morning. I was so excited! But then it was all gone by lunch time. :-( The scarf is beautiful.

    Poor little Dexter's cold toes.


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