January 12, 2007

Christmas Knitting – She Loved It!

Just to update everyone – yes – she loved it! Here’s the pics that I have:
Photo Hosted at Buzznet
Photo Hosted at Buzznet
Photo Hosted at Buzznet

She told me that she "had grandpa" spread it out on a tablecloth and take lots of pictures to send to her friends. Apparantly in the crowd she runs with you get mad street cred if your granddaughter is a knitter too. Especially a lace knitter.

She’s in Florida now with my grandpa for the winter. Luckily, just like last year, I get to visit them! I'm not going for very long b/c Matt and I are planning a giant, huge, trip (lots more on that when it’s a little more concrete) and I won’t have any vacation time left over. But I'm at least going to go from Fri. night through Sun. one weekend in March. I'm really going to miss them for the next few months!


  1. Anonymous2:40 AM

    That's so lovely! Go your grandma and her street cred!

  2. yay - so glad grandma liked it...just seeing her hold it up...it's just stunning! you go w/ your lace knitting self!

  3. Anonymous7:59 AM

    :) How cool that she's taking pictures to brag to her friends. That's so cute!

  4. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Awh, how nice. Very pretty!

  5. i'm sure her reaction made it worth all the hard work!

  6. LOL I love the your Grandpa's various expressions!

  7. Too cute that your Grandma has to get picts. to show the friends! It is beautiful!

  8. Anonymous8:58 PM

    aww! What a lucky grandma!!

  9. "Apparantly in the crowd she runs with you get mad street cred if your granddaughter is a knitter too."

    Ok, that is just too fun. Love the pics.

  10. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Oh, I really love those pics! Lucky, lucky Grandma!

  11. Bonus points for you for getting Grandma some wicked (my addition for the lace) mad street cred!

    You are da' Bomb!

    Now, we just need pix of her wearing it. . . . .. . .


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