February 28, 2007

Little Dog!

Well I was going to post about knitting today – I even took a whole bunch of pictures…. But we have a little dog emergency going on.

Dexter stepped onto the snow drift in our backyard and I think he thought it would hold his weight… His foot went though and his dew claw did not - it caught on the snow and ripped back pretty far. We took him to the vet this morning and it is so torn that they have to put him under to fix the tear. Our poor little dog! Luckily he doesn’t have to stay overnight but I’m still worried about him. He looked so sad when we left him there…. They were going to do the surgery sometime around 1ish so I should hear back about how he did pretty soon.
Poor Dexter!

Dude, I told you, I'm NOT a snow dog!


  1. Poor little Dexter! Hope the surgery goes well.

  2. Ohh he is such a cutie!!!

    Thanks for the tips for Cleveland! I had left a comment before because I can't find an email address for you.

    Hmmm it's lunch time and just thinking of going to Dewey's Pizza is making me hungry!!!! :-)

  3. I just read the post - ohhh poor poor puppy! I am sure he will be fine!

    Just keep him warm and cosy and I am sure he will recover just fine! Ohh a big hug to you and specially him!

  4. They're going to fix it instead of removing it? He don' need no stinkin' dew claw... ;) I'm sure he'll be fine. Now stop worrying. And give him a kissy-poo from Auntie Beth when he gets home. (I know, my dogs hate it too...)

  5. Yikes - so sorry to hear that! Here's to a speedy recovery.

  6. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Awww, poor puppy! Thinking good doggy thoughts your way...

  7. Poor little guy - I hope he has a speedy recovery!

  8. Poor little Dexter. I would be really freaked also.

    Please let us know when he's out and OK.

  9. AWW poor little guy! I hope he's alright! I always worry about those dew claws catching on stuff!!

  10. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Poor babies... I hope he's going to be alright... poor thing.


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