May 21, 2008

Boston Part I

So I’m back. And before I can say anything I have to say this - One of the coolest things ever about this whole knit blogging thing is that I now have friends all over the world. I mentioned I was going to Boston and right away Kat invited me to her Stitch ‘n Bitch. So without having ever met anyone in the group in real life I went. I am so glad I did! Her knitters are great… hi everyone if you’re reading this! Glad to meet you!

Sadly I suffered some serious forgetfulness when it came to my camera. Seriously I took over 400 pictures of buildings and none of the knitters or the many wonderful things they were working on. I chose poorly. So anyways thanks again for inviting me and making me feel so welcome! Let me know any time you want to come to Cleveland! Also thanks so much for the free coffee recommendation. We totally hit that up:
best day ever
In other news for the second year in a row the city I go to for a conference sucks big time. Not because the city is bad (it’s actually pretty nice) or the people are mean (quite the opposite, actually, everyone I met there was wonderful) but because of the bitter.
crowd at the boston airport
The crowd gathered at the airport to watch the final minutes of the playoff game I think my entire flight to Cleveland was in that group.

Supid Celtics. Stupid home court advantage. Boo to that. Also boo to this:
Fenway Sucks
2007… champions…. grrrr…..

Fenway Sucks

Fenway park looks very bitter.

Fenway Sucks

Makes me need a drink:
Fenway Sucks
Heh. Oh and btw if you ask a bartender in Boston to turn on the Tribe game instead of the Red Sox they won’t wait on you anymore for the rest of the night. Just a little travel tip for you there.

Anyways! Lots of Boston stories coming soon – including architecture and sippie cups. Also some big stuff going on in Cleveland but I think for now I need to go catch up on the 300+ posts I have hanging out in my bloglines… until then if you want a preview of the trip I'm slowly uploading all of my pics to Flickr Here. It’s mainly all buildings, though…


  1. Ooohhh, Boston!! I love Boston. (Couldn't care about the Red Sox or Celtics though.) :)

  2. Boston is a cool city, but Blech on them stealing all our championships!

  3. Welcome home! Phooey on the sports teams in Beantown.

  4. I totally get the "bitter". For instance, I would not have gotten that free DD drink, due to the fact that I didn't like the picture next to the ad. Would've kept walking til I found a DD that didn't have a Sox photo. But that's just my obsessive hatred talking.

  5. Well, at least when you chose poorly, your face didn't melt off! Oo, that's a little morbid for Friday morning, isn't it. That line just reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Seems I've been sucked into some kind of movie quote vortex lately...

  6. Hi there! I'm one of Kat's knitters from Boston. I'm the one who was a bit iced coffee obsessed, glad you got your free one. It was great to meet you, you're welcome back anytime. Yeah, kinda hard to avoid the Boston teams around here when they're doing well. Wait a few years they'll stink again.

  7. meeting 'friends one never met' from the blogosphere (cyberhood, whatever) is incredible...

    love boston, hate the fact that boston teams keeps beating the cleveland teams....

    thanks for the travel tip - I'd have guessed that!

    off to go to look at your flickr pics!

  8. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I'm glad you had fun in Boston! I was just there today for a job interview, actually! I wish I could have met up with you while you were in town.
    And as far as the Tribe/CAvs go...well, there's always next year ;)

  9. I'm so glad that you had a great time in Boston - and took advantage of the free iced coffee! ;) I can't believe that neither of us thought to take pictures!!!


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