May 23, 2008

Flames, whips, and flowers

So I have a ton of Boston photos but I’m still waiting for my friends to send me theirs so I can show you pics of actual people and not just buildings (hint, Michele) so the Boston posts will have to wait… in other news I finished yet another pair of long-term socks (here on Ravelry):
flames socks
They started as the Undulating Ribs Socks from Interweave Favorite Socks but after 3 repeats of the pattern it started to annoy me. Not a good sign. So I did what so many others on Ravelry have done and I switched to just plain old ribbing:
flames socks
Well after a repeat of that I got bored with it. So I decided to rib on every other row ala Thuja and I’m very happy with the result.
flames socks
I must have switched gauge at some point during the many months it took me to finish these because the flashing/pooling turned out differently on each sock:
flames socks
Eh. I kindof like it.

Tonight we’re going to end the debate on if the forth Indiana Jones movie will suck as hard as the fourth Star Wars one did. I’m guessing it can’t be nearly as bad as the Phantom Menace because it has 100% more Harrison Ford. He’s probably too old to pull off the manther thing (manther = male couger) but it should be fun to watch him try! And while Menace had Ewen they failed when they didn’t give him the creative freedom to belt out your song on an elephant. Also I believe there was a rat tail involved.
Just a random garden picture. Iris, I believe.

Then tomorrow I’m going with my grandma to this:

Great Lakes Fiber Festival

I can’t wait! We should be there around 11ish and I’ll be wearing this Green Mmmalabrigio Shrug (the finished project is still unblogged because I have yet to weave in the ends. Uh huh.) If you see me there say hi!!!



  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Those are great socks! Looking forward to seeing your Boston pics - I loved visiting there last year.

  2. Cool socks!

    Man I'm jelous of everyone getting to the fiberfest this weekend!

  3. gorgeous flower pics, love the socks and yay for the fiber fest - have fun! ps - stoopid computer at home is full of viruses so i'm catching up w/ some blog skimming. love the boston pics posted so far...glad you had a nice trip!

  4. I like the way the socks turned out. Great colorway.

  5. Great socks, and YES that flower is indeed an Iris. :-) Have fun at the Fiber Festival.

  6. Nice job on the socks!

    Yeeeeahhh, Hubster tried to get me to watch the "new" Star Wars movies but I couldn't sit through more than a few minutes of what seemed like a PSA for wooden acting school. Except when Yoda fought. That was cool.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Swanky lookin' socks you've got there. Love them. Sorry didn't see you at the show. I'm glad the weather cooperated. Have a good holiday !

  8. Ha! I just saw the latest indiana jones movie last night. I'm interested to hear what you think!

  9. Nice pattern adjustment, sometimes simplicity is the order of the day. Love the color especially!


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