May 2, 2008

Spinning, Dying, and Socks.

Just another list of stuff ‘n things:

1.) My 3-ply plan worked. Kinda:
3 ply
Parts of it are stripey… parts not so much.

3 ply
I think the theory is good but my technique is not. If I was able to spin evenly I think I would have had a much better result.

3 ply

As it is my spinning is… lumpy? Well maybe not exactly lumpy but definitely inconsistent.
3 ply
I think in the future if I want stripes I’m going to have to learn how to Navajo ply. Scary.

2.) If anyone’s up for a fun new place in Cleveland you definitely have to check out the Stone Mad. We went there on Sat and it was fantastic. Clearly the renovation of this bar was a labor of love. The details are impeccable – from the hand blown glass light fixtures to the stone benches and tables on the patio. The patio, btw, is awesome. I can see many a summer happy hour going on there. Especially after they get the pizza oven in from Italy.

3.) I went to a Cleveland Orchestra concert last night… that’s always fun:
Severance Hall
Crappy cell phone pic of Severance Hall.

4.) I may have lost it there for awhile but my sock mojo is back. Just in time for Summer of Socks 2008.
Fire Sock
Old pic of the first sock from back in March. I hadn’t touched it since then but now I have almost a full second sock to match.

The yarn is Spinning Yarns Online in the colorway Black Butterfly that I bought while visiting Washington DC back in November:

Stitch DC
Lori Beth, Michele, Me - I love forcing my friends to visit yarn stores with me!

Anyways the socks started out as the Undulating Rib Socks from Favorite Socks... but have kindof turned into something else from there.Fire Sock

5.) Currently both the Cavs and the Penguins are in the playoffs. At the same time. Which means there has been lots of pacing, yelling, clapping, channel flipping, and more yelling going on at my house. Honestly I can’t get into either sport. Too fast paced and too many games. Matt, however, is obsessed. He got to actually go to the Penguin’s game last Sunday which meant that I spent the day doing this:
I’m back to the dying. I haven’t done any serious dying since I dyed all of that yarn for gifts back in Dec. 2006. But with the sock mojo comes the need to create lots of sockyarn. Especially the self-striping kind:
self striping yarn
Yup. I made a warping board out of my model building clamps and my drafting board. Putting that degree to use every day. Uh huh.
Paris Day
Paris Day
Paris Day
Lots more posts about dying to come…

6.) We’re going to the Kentucky Derby this weekend. I’ve never been before and I’m a bit nervous… the whole hanging out in the center thing is going to be interesting. I hope it doesn’t rain!

Have a great weekend, everyone!!!


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Wow! you linked me--squee!
    Also, yarn looks great! fun. I feel like a yarn disappointment though--:(. I will do it--darnit. I am just trying to focus on that "other" thing before I become a knitting master. (well, I don't know if I will be a master, but you get my point.)
    I wish I had a better commute for crafting. requirement of next job--crafting opportunities.

  2. Have fun at the derby! I had the opportunity to go to Preakness this year but had to beg off.

  3. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Your handspun looks wonderful (even though it didn't come out the way you had hoped). And the chocolate brown/ecru/blue sock yarn is GORGEOUS! Who ever would of thought that those colors would look so great together!

    Oh, and I feel your pain with the sports. My hubby is doing the same thing with the CAVS and the Penguins, except I'm a HUGE baseball fan, so we're trying to squeeze the Indians game in there somewhere. Crazy!

  4. Wow, so many cool things in that post, I don't know what to comment on. Mmmm, hurray SOS. And I absolutely love the self-striping yarn you dyed. Can't wait to see it knit up!!!!

  5. Dude, your hand dyed yarn is gorgeous. Swoon!!

    (seriously, I swooned when I saw the cream/brown/blue skein)

  6. They dyeing looks great!! Can't wait to see more.

    I never went to the Derby when I lived in Louisville. I was so hungover that day, I didn't go outside until about 6pm.

  7. Your colors look great! You used the Jaquard dyes from Knit picks right? Do you heat them in the microwave or cook on the stove? Just wondering. I've been doing some kool-Aid dyeing, and was thinking about trying the acid dye!

    Have fun at the Derby!

  8. I never thought of combining blue, brown and cream. It's gorgeous!

  9. Love the dye jobs! Am jealous that you have enough yarn to do a 3-ply. Someday when I grow up and get a wheel... Incredibly jealous that you're in L-ville today. We're having our annual Derby party, so I'll watch for you on tv.

  10. It may not have come out the way you intended, but it's still mighty purty!

    And the dyeing looks great! Now that's a solid use of a college education to me!

  11. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Very pretty spins. Derby was bitter sweet this year. Sad to see.

  12. Anonymous10:30 PM

    The 3 ply looks terrific!! The inconsistancy in the spinning gets better with practice, but yours really looks wonderful. Love the dyeing too, especially that cream/brown/blue yarn!!

  13. your dying is to die for!!

    I've been playing with the idea of dying cotton fabrics for quilting - perhaps this summer is the time to start playing around with branching out....

    thanks for the heads up on stone mad, definitely looks like a place worthy of checking out.

    can't believe you took that picture of severance hall with your cell phone - it's far, far from crappy - look at all that detail!

    just to let you know I've added life in cleveland to mouse's blogroll - love your local focus and love to get lost the colors of your photos!

  14. I love those socks (looks like a stained-glass zebra!), and the dye job looks really nice!


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