June 28, 2007

Itch ‘n pitch

So Stitch ‘n Pitch Cleveland was a ball…very well organized and we got these wonderful giftbags (sorry for the crap photo):

Complete with size 19 needles and some yarn! And I heart the book – “the Travel Guide 2006” It’s full of maps of every state with little stars were all the yarn stores are, and a directory so that you can call them. I’m totally going to just leave it in my car – like you would do with an atlas – so that wherever I am I can always find yarn. It would have come in very handy that one time I spent an hour driving around in circles looking for Knitters Mercantile....

The organizers even made signs that said Stitch n Pitch for us to hold up between innings all sports-fans like:
Stitch 'n Pitch

Stitch 'n Pitch

But we were hot. Real hot in the sun and in the crowd and without the wind… and really, knitting with wool – even if it’s sock weight – in that hot is un-fun. So we moved further up into the shade and breeze and space to put our feet up…

Stitch 'n Pitch
which meant that we dropped the ball a little bit on the sign holding up… It now read “ITCH N PITCH”
Stitch 'n Pitch

Stitch 'n Pitch

It was a totally fun evening, though!
Stitch 'n Pitch
From L to R: Knitting a dishcloth, frogging a blanket, my mom knitting socks, me knitting a baby hat so that my best friend’s sister would finally get to not be pregnant anymore (have you heard the superstition that babies won’t come unless you knit for them? This kid has a hat now. He’s still being very stubborn. According to his mom once he’s born he’s going straight into time-out for being this late.), and Michelle knitting a sock.

In other news… .have you seen this website? It creates knitting charts all automatic-like without having to draw it in AutoCad (I don’t care if it’s geeky – drafting programs are perfect for figuring out knitting patterns)! Very, very cool.


  1. Ha ha ha ha . . . . Itch n Pitch. Too funny. Glad you had fun, despite the heat. :) Going to check out that chart thing now. Cool!

  2. Yayyy what fun! Great pictures too!!

  3. omg - u have no idea how jealous i am of the gift bag...sounds like great stuff!! glad u had a good time...i was home packing, which i hate, but also dreaming about the new house, which i love : ) getting the keys tomorrow morning - woohoo!

  4. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Looks like you guys had a great time!

  5. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Looks fun! I wish, when I had my two kids, that someone had knit for me. If you like strawberry jam I can get a package right out to you when we return from MA on the 10th. If you'd like to hold out for something else, we can do that too. Did you end up finding Knitter's Mercantile? It's a great shop. I'm in central OH and always go there when I visit my grandma. You'll also get to choose from a few skeins of sock yarn. More on that when I get home too. Cider Moon is having a sale tomorrow, the 30th!
    I'm tricia at rawnsley dot us
    Looking forward to hearing from you!

  6. great pictures! looks like it was a great evening, even if it was unbearably hot! you all look so cute together!

  7. Anonymous12:10 AM

    How fun! I can't make it to our stitch and pitch - darn!

  8. I'm very mad that Chicago teams aren;t doing Stitch'n'Pitch this year.

  9. LOL LOL LOL!!! that is so cute!!

    I think my husband saw your board - we listen/see to all the Indians games on the internet - actually there's one on right now!


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