Ok so I got tagged for a 7 things MEME and an 8 things MEME but I'm lazy so I'm just going to do 7. Since my main objection to the MEME’s is that they don’t come with pictures (hate posting w/o pics) I’ll just share some shots of my garden. I have no knitting to share lately but my yard is starting to shape up nicely….
7 Random Things/Habits about me:
1.) I love to read in bed. When I’m done reading I just put the book down on the bottom shelf of the night stand next to me (my nightstand is this one from Ikea – pic of it in my room here). Problem is that I always forget that bottom shelf is there… so what happens is when I’m done with a book another one piles on top of it… and then another one on top of that… eventually they gradually are slid to under the bed just by being pushed there from the newewst addition to the pile. So at any given time I have about a million books under my bed. And a magazine or twelve. Yup. I’m a freak.
2.) I love Taco Bell. But my husband hates it. So I don’t eat it all that often – however whenever I’m left to my own devices for dinner it’s a safe bet I’m having a chicken quesadilla complete with mild taco sauce. Yummy.
My poppies are blooming! Despite having accidentally almost killed all of them last year by moving them all around. Poppies don't like being messed with.
3.) During the summer I water/ weed / deadhead/ putz around in my garden before I even go in my house. It would make more sense for me to go in and change into junky clothes instead of trying to weed in heels and “business” attire but I get distracted and never make it that far.
4.) I always eat chips/crackers/etc with the salty side down and the dip on top. That is clearly the best way to eat salty things b/c then you get to actually taste the salt!
5.) I really enjoy walking my dog because I like scoping out all of the yards around my neighborhood. And whenever I see a house for sale along my route I always look it up on realtor.com to see how much it’s selling for and what it’s features are, etc. Nosey, I know, but interesting.
6.) One of the things I’ve always dreamed of doing I’m going to do at the end of August this year. I'll blog about it soon.... but not quite yet.
The peonies are about to burst – see the ant on there? The ants are what makes the flowers open. Hopefully some of them will have popped by the time I get home today!
7.) Yesterday when getting on the bus for my ride home I spotted another knitter! So of course I sat next to her – when given the option always sit next to the knitter b/c knitters are generally good people. The second I sat down I remembered my unbreakable rule: I don’t talk to people on the bus. Bus conversation is awful. All of the small talk is out of the way in the first five minutes and then I’m stuck sitting there in uncomfortable silence wondering if I should come up with something to say next not wanting to put my headphones back on b/c I don’t want to insult them. It cuts into my knitting/space out/relax time, and honestly, I have friends. I don’t need bus friends. I need to detox after the stress of work so that I don’t bring it home with me. So after I sat down I panicked… do I break my rule? Do I not knit so as to not break my rule? How do I relax on the (otherwise kindof awful) bus ride if I’m not knitting? So I very quietly, very simply, very un-dramatically took out my sock and started knitting. She looked over and kindof nodded and then went back to her scarf. So we both just sat there for the duration of the bus ride happily knitting along, happy to be sitting next to another knitter, happy to not chat and to just knit. She got off of the bus before I did and as she did turned back and gave me a very knowing smile. I hope she’s on my bus again. Perhaps I’ll even break my rule (probably not).
Whatever this is is blooming like crazy – It’s like I have a giant ball of pink in my front yard. Love it!
I'm not tagging anyone b/c that's the way I roll. Actually, come to think of it I'll tag Jennifer in the hopes it will get her back in a blogging mood... Hi Jennifer!