April 3, 2007


Right. So this time of year I should not be allowed anywhere near a home improvement store unsupervised. I have spring fever bad. I want to grow things! Many things! Colorful things! And we can totally rip apart our kitchen and redo it! And our bathroom too! And hell, let’s build a trellis and new raised bed for my herb garden while we’re at it! Why not, it’s spring!

Luckily I was only unsupervised for about 2 min. while Matt was distracted by the weed’n feed – so I was only able to impulse buy these:
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Uh huh. I live on a 40’x100’ lot with very few areas of full sun. And I bought two large bushes that both require full sun. Flawless.

Had I been alone I probably would have come home with many more bushes and plans to totally rip out the little bit of grass we do have in our back yard thinking only of homemade raspberry jam and fresh blueberries over ice-cream my Id running rampant through the aisles of Home Depot.

But really, homemade jam is way better than grass.

I also came home mysteriously with these:
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Now, I have no business buying any perennials of any kind. I have a grandma who has many flowers for me, in-laws who gave me a ton of stuff last fall, and a coworker who is very excited about the prospect of dividing all of her plants and having someone to give them too. And only a 4’x 15’ bed to put it all in.

But they were only $10! And pretty colors! And… spring!

Obviously my reasoning is completely without flaw. It's going to be an interesting growing season!


  1. Plant it all up and you don't need the weed 'n feed, right? That's just for grass? Seems like a win-win situation...

  2. LOL LOL LOL! Can't wait to see it all grow!!

  3. I think you did quite well!!! I bet they are all going to do splendidly in your yard and your neighbors will all marvel at your green thumb.

  4. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Good choices! You must get out there "unsupervised" more often.

  5. Oooh fresh berries over ice cream and homemade jam! Sounds like you were right on with your purchases.

  6. Anonymous3:12 PM

    There is one house near me where the entire front yard is a garden that is a mix of vegetables and flowers--and it is terrific. I always thought that I'd like to do that with mine. So why don't you consider your purchases a start for something like this (and it beats mowing!).

    So far our weather hasn't been good enough for me to do anything dangerous, and I'm late starting my seeds.


  7. i love love love dahlias!

  8. Dude, you are SOOOO going to love the raspberries. I had a red one and a black one in my house in sheffield lake and 1 year I actually had enough to bake a pie. . . . .YUM-O!

  9. oh man - can't wait to try the berries! hey, good news on a couple fronts...my summer math class is mondays and wednesdays, so i should be able to start coming to tuesday night sit n knit again - woohoo! also, we are considering buying a house that i believe is basically in your back yard...i'll tell you more about it later when i know more about the likelihood of us getting it, but i'm waay excited! miss u lots...hope to see u soon!

  10. Put down the plants and step back. That's right, easy now, and no one gets hurt.

  11. For $10, why not try it?! I love perennials. I am hoping my tulips and crocuses (croci?) aren't all dead now that it is 30 degrees outside. I wonder if the flowers are out and they freeze/die if the bulbs still are good and they come back the next year?

  12. i cannot wait to see how these turn out, and what you end up doing with your homegrown fruit. i think the dahlias will be lovely as well...now if spring would just hurry up and get here...

  13. Anonymous7:39 PM

    If you get rid of the grass, you can plant more stuff, and not bother mowing.

  14. I have a similar problem when entering stores like that. I have a raspberry bush, a bag of gladiolus crowns and some asparagus sitting in my living room waiting for the thaw.


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