Truth be told I don’t give a shit about Ohio State. I'm annoyed when people around here do the O-H thing. (they yell O-H, you’re supposed to yell I-O). And I’ve inherited much of my husband’s distain for college football in general. As he would put it - I graduated from college. I’m a professional now. Therefore I watch professional sports.
But I am always up for a party. And tailgating? So much fun. So when I was given the opportunity to go down for a girls’ weekend of tailgating, partying, and college football... well… 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
So clearly I need some Ohio State gear so as not to look completely out of place (I may have to learn a fight song or cheer or something too.)
When in doubt knit a hat:

Do I look like a super-fan?
Ohio State Superfan Hat Pattern:

Lion Brand Woolease in Oxford Gray, Ranch Red, and White You won’t need very much of any of it – about half a skein of the gray and little amounts of the red and white.
Size 7 circular and double pointed needles (or just the DPN’s)
Using the Long Tail Cast On and Oxford Gray, Cast on 84 Stitches
Knit 9 rounds of K2, P2 ribbing
Knit 5 rounds plain in Oxford Gray
Knit 1 round of White
Knit 7 rounds in Ranch Red
Knit 1 round of White
Knit in Oxford Gray until the hat measures 6 inches from cast on edge.
Knit 10, K2tog around
Knit 1 round
Knit 9, K2tog around
Knit 1 round
Knit 8, K2tog around
Knit 1 round
Knit 7, K2tog around
Knit 1 round
Knit 6, K2tog around
Knit 1 round
Knit 5, K2tog around
Knit 4, K2tog around
Knit 3, K2tog around
Knit 2, K2tog around
Knit 1, K2tog around
Knit 2 tog around
Cut yarn and thread through remaining stitches, draw together and tuck in end. Tuck in the rest of the ends.

I think I'll be able to pass for a fan...
I feel your pain. Not an OSU fan - but I am a Notre Dame fame. Steelers will always be my first love though, and living in Cleveland - I get crap for both my teams.
ReplyDeleteNow paint a little "O" logo on your cheek and you'll be really set. ;)
ReplyDeleteToo funny!
ReplyDeleteHave fun!
that IS superfan-ny... huh huh, i said "fanny"... i'm thinking you should pass it off to a superfan when you're leaving, as a random act of knitterly kindness... you know, if they're not your team and all... ;)
ReplyDeleteA great hat that can be adapted to any school...maybe I should knit a Penn State one before next Saturday? Nah, like you I don't give a hoot about that team, even though I work there. I hate it on campus when people yell "We are..." and you are supposed to respond "Penn State!". Whatever.
ReplyDeleteVery chic! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteVery cool hat!
ReplyDeleteGreat Hat, thanks for sharing the pattern. I agree with previous posters that it could be adapted to any team color combination.
ReplyDeleteHope you had fun at the game here in Columbus. You were probably one of the more demurely dressed game attendees.
Would love to hear more about what it is like up in Cleveland with the Indians and the sox going into game seven tonight. Cleveland sports teams get hardly a mention here in Columbus. (grumble) It's all OSU and High School football this time of year.
Sorry to hear you're not a Bucks fan. I come from a LONG LINE of Buckeye Fans, so this will be great stocking stuffers for them for Christmas. Thanks for the pattern!
ReplyDeleteB.T.W... My condolances on the Indians. I'm balling my eyes out right now... we were SO CLOSE! There's always next year huh?
Such a cute hat!! Yes, you definitely pass for a fan. :)
ReplyDeletegreat hat, you pseudo-fan, you : )
ReplyDeleteHi! We don't know each other, but i just googled "Ohio State knit hat pattern", and up came your blog! Great pattern - I'm going to make this for my uncle (OSU alum, circa 1975) for Christmas. He really IS a huge fan. I'm making it much bigger (CO 96, plus extra rows) because he's got a huge head.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for posting the free pattern!
I really have to say as a fellow Ohioan that hat really ROCKS!! Great job and I will be copying the pattern for my Ohio Buckeye loving man.
ReplyDeleteWhen you get to the decreases of the crown in the pattern above, it should say
ReplyDelete*Knit 10, K2tog* repeat around.
..and so on.
The way it looks above someone might think you knit 10 and repeat the k2tog around.. Am I wrong?
You look very cute in the hat.
ReplyDeleteGo Buckeyes!
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