Yay! I had such a blast at my show with Yarn Cravin' last year we decided to try it again. Should be funtimes. Plus I have a couple of new colorways in the works that should make this show extra special. Hope to see you there!
Until then I did list a few skeins of the Frozen Great Lake colorway due to popular demand...
In other news I finished a hat:

It's the Queenie pattern by Woolly Wormhead on Ravelry here.
Honestly I'm pretty meh on the whole thing. The yarn was picked by my daughter. I took her to River Colors awhile ago where she immediately went to their pile of Destination Yarn and told me she wanted it. Um... no. Sorry, kid. You can get that at home. Anyways she then had a great time telling me she wanted all of the yarn. No, really. All of it. I understood how she felt. But eventually she zeroed in on this sequined white cotton and some bright, BRIGHT pink Cascade 220.

Wouldn't have been my first pick. At all. So I started this hat for her and then quickly abandoned it for the kitty hat that she had no creative input into. But since this is Feb is for Finishing I dusted it off and finished it for her:

The pattern was very well written but I'm just not a huge fan of the proportions of the finished hat.
She looks a bit... odd. Perhaps it's just too big for her still.

Finally, the dude is MOBILE. I mean I know his name means "Man of the World" and we wanted him to be up for adventure and all of that but I didn't really think that would apply LESS THAN A WEEK AFTER HE STARTED CRAWLING. Seriously, this kid has no fear, is speedy-quick, and just wants to go exploring. It's amazing how far he can get / what he can get into the second my back is turned or my hands are occupied. I'm pretty sure this development as derailed the rest of my Feb is Finishing goals. GAH.
Since Perrysburg is 2 hours from Shaker Heights, according to Google Maps, I think you should have another trunk show at River Colors. ;-)