August 2, 2008


Berlin is the place that of anywhere I’ve ever been I would love to go back to. Simply because by now it would look totally different than it did in 2001. Check out all of this construction:
cranes over berlin
Yeah. That city is building like crazy. And the really interesting part is that a lot of the places that they are building these insane, futuristic things are on top of where the wall used to be. Mainly because the destruction of the wall left large swatches of vacant land right in the urban center. Talk about development opportunity. It makes for an interesting contrast of old and new, though:


Especially when you know that Potsdamer Platz which now looks like this:

potsdamer platz
Used to be literally a death strip. On the eastern side of the wall they tore down all of the surrounding buildings to give the guards a better shot at anyone trying to escape. Yeah. Now it’s a very cool city center designed by Helmut Jahn enclosed by this amazing canopy thing:

sony center at potsdamer platz

So for the Berlin yarn I wanted to capture this crazy contrast of ridiculously modern against a pretty bleak past:
Neon with blacks and grays seemed the way to go.

Plus that color combo makes for a really fun and funky pair of socks.

It’s available now at Destination Yarn!

And finally - I thought this picture was cool but it didn’t really fit into the post anywhere other than that it's of Berlin... but I’m gong to share it anyways:
Reichstag Dome by Norman Foster.

And one more for good measure:

Oh and something else I just realized when I looked at the date for this post... Matt asked me to marry him 5 years ago today. Doesn't seem nearly that long ago - I guess time flies when you're having fun!


  1. Makes me want to break out my 80s tunes! And I seriously love that second pic! I wonder who "Di" is...

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Love the combo of yarn and architecture. Berlin sounds so cool.

  3. Darn it you have to stop making colors that I love and want to add to my stash!!!!

  4. Gorgeous!! Love the architect's perspective:)

  5. awww. that is sweet. dude--you went through thesis with a shiny! how distracting....


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