April 18, 2006

Happy Easter!

So I wanted to post this actually on Easter but I ran out of time…. So Happy Belated Easter!

I’ve come to trust NPR completely. I know they’d never lead me astray… so… when I saw this article - Rollin' With My Peeps - I had to do it. I had to. I love kitch, I love spring, and well.. I even sortof like peeps. And I had to come up with something to bring to my family’s Easter gathering anyways….

Happy little bunnies

rollin' with my peeps pie

Where are we going?

rollin' with my peeps pie

Um it’s getting a little warm in here….

rollin' with my peeps pie

rollin' with my peeps pie 

Ohhhhh... What a world! What a world!

rollin' with my peeps pie
rollin' with my peeps pie

Round 2
rollin' with my peeps pie

 rollin' with my peeps pie

Mmmm peep goo…(I find it extremely disturbing that their eyes don't melt.)
rollin' with my peeps pie

Then you add some chocolate and whipped cream…

rollin' with my peeps pie
rollin' with my peeps pie

And you have pie!

rollin' with my peeps pie
Oh but it doesn’t stop there the website suggested making green coconut "grass" as a garnish… so I did what they said and I got a nice subtle green…

rollin' with my peeps pie
But this pie is made out of peeps. Subtly is not really a goal here…. So I added alot more green and some yellow to go for a more of an Easter grass neon:

rollin' with my peeps pie

rollin' with my peeps pie
and Voila!

rollin' with my peeps piePeeps pie.

rollin' with my peeps pieAnd it even tastes pretty good!


  1. I think that much sugar could kill a person!

  2. yummo - that sounds devine! i love peeps and haven't had any in a few years! wonder if i could find some on sale...

  3. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Gotta go print out that recipe.

  4. The Pie looks Peep-a-licious!

  5. Anonymous2:34 PM

    what a cool idea!
    Happy birthday!!!

  6. I am also currently obsessed with Peeps. Good job!

  7. I can't believe you killed the peeps! :) Thanks for linking up with #findingthefunny!


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