April 17, 2011

Random thoughts on my 31st

So today is my 31st birthday.

Cluster feeding all night followed by a wake up call from a toddler who just wanted MOMMY. Uh huh. At least it didn't start with projectile vomit in the car seat the way Matt's did. So... progress?  We've already declared that next year for 32 we're doing something ridiculous and awesome and child free and... BOOZY. Perhaps a trip somewhere like for 30? Who knows. But it's nice to think that by a year from now we'll be up for something like that. Everything in parenting is SO temporary.

Besides.  I got everything I wanted for my birthday this year already.
Anyways! We're home now. Last time they sent me home with a prescription for a pile of percoset and a bunch of formula with a dire warning to supplement soon. This time they sent me home with a recommendation to take motrin if needed and ice packs for my bra b/c "he's a very vigorous nurser" Yeah.
headed home
Our family v3.0 headed home from the hospital.
2 carseats!
I think we're going to need a bigger boat.
We've spent the first 48 hours home in a cone of silence. We've had no visitors, few phone calls, and I've been completely off the internet. It's been awesome. Just to have some time together to figure out our new little family... So, so nice.

I have the same exact picture somewhere of his sister when she first got home.

Now that I'm ready to return to the world of the living I'm a bit overwhelmed. So many wonderful comments! And emails! And facebook posts! And twitter mentions! I don't even know where to start to respond to all of them. But we've read and enjoyed Every. Single. One. It's crazy the wide reach of social median in situations like this.
Meeting his doggie for the first time.  She's.... a bit freaked by the whole situation.  But she'll adjust.
And that's all I have time for right now....


  1. Happy happy birthday and congratulations on your new addition! Sounds like a wonderful birthday to me :)

  2. Happy birthday!!! and again congrats! Such cute pictures!

  3. Happy birthday, and thanks for sharing all your "happy" with us!

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day! Puppy cracks me up, sniffin' the hair - checkin out the new kid in the house.

  5. It sounds like you had a great few days, and you all look very happy!

    I went back to look at pictures of the toddler when she was a newborn, and it's amazing how much she looked like...herself, if that makes sense. I mean, it's very obvious who that little baby is. It will be fun to look back at the new baby's pictures in a couple of years and compare them to what he looks like then.

  6. Happy (belated) birthday! Your present is such a cutie! I hope everyone is adjusting to Family v3 at home.

  7. I've just become unburied from work, and I've been blog visiting to see what is new. I must say that you win the newness award. Congratulations on your mom-ness (and birthday, of course). I'll be looking forward to the forthcoming cuteness photos.

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