August 9, 2006

My New Toy

Look what I got last night:

I’m soooo excited. After much research (and a failed attempt at making fresh pesto in my blender) I bought the big, kick-ass, 12 cup kitchen aid food processor. The fact that it matches my mixer perfectly had nothing to do with the decision (ha!):

Can you say pesto? And bean dip? And salsa? And crab dip? And sliced potatoes and zucchini? And chopped nuts? And chopped herbs? And zucchini bread? And Guac? And Hummus? And stir-fry? And jam?

And if you combine the food processor with the pasta machine that I got last Christmas you get ravioli.

Such tastyness ahead!


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I'm coming to your house for dinner!

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I love kitchen porn! We went into an appliance store the other day, and one of their floor models had to be worth $100,000. A $10,000 fridge. a $10,000 stove, plus a cooktop (gas, of course) right in the island, so you can use the rest of the island for prep! Needless to say, I was in lust. ;)

    Enjoy your new processor!

  3. And I am getting invited over for dinner. . . . . when???

    Hey, I'll bring over fresh mojitos! ;->

  4. OK, That sounded ever so slightly like an info-mercial. ;)

  5. sounds like a dinner party to me : )

  6. Awesome! I love ktichen gadgets even though I rarely cook.

  7. Anonymous12:09 PM

    That is one beautiful machine. My uncles went on a pesto kick a few years back and actually bought a machine to vacuum seal small servings for winter pastas.


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