November 21, 2005

Quiet Weekend

Ok here’s some of Jill’s pics from last weekend while I post a recap for this weekend…. Thanks for the CD Jill!!! I'll update the photoblog soon with the rest of her pics….

So yeah – weekend recap… Fri. night we went to my ‘rents for a fish fry with the grandparents. There are some serious benefits to having a father who is a fisherman - Lake Erie perch, walleye, or steelhead fried up in some Shore Lunch….Good stuff. Sat. morning we laid low… which was wonderful. Sat. afternoon we went to the West Side Market with my bro. If you live in Cleveland and haven’t been to the market you need to go immediately. They are open until 4 today. Go now. It’s amazing. I bought all sorts of spices (both the quality and price are way better than the supermarket), various meats and cheeses for lunch this week, and hand made pierogies from The Pierogi Palace. I don’t really like pierogis except for these - these are fantastic. My brother bought fresh, unsalted peanut butter. It tasted like peanuts. Soooo good. I wonder where that line is – because the reduced fat/reduced calorie Jif that I buy is probably better for you calorie wise…but I’m sure that this stuff is waaay better for you as far as additives and scary chemical stuff goes…. Which is better overall? Dunno… anyways…

Sat. night we went to a play. We subscribed to the Cleveland Play House for our anniversary – so we had 8 tickets that we can use whenever we want – we just have to call them before an hour before curtain and we can go! I’m so glad we did that. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be worth it but it really, really was. The play we saw was called I Am My Own Wife. It was about this person – Charlotte van Malsdorf – who was a transvestite in East Germany and survived being a transvestite through both WWII and Communism. Which in and of itself is amazing…. Also, Charlotte collected furniture and ran a museum during this time and was responsible for saving some seriously famous pieces. So it was interesting from a preservation perspective too – who makes history, who records history, and what is important to preserve and record? It was a one-man play – one guy played all of the roles – and I never think I’m going to like that approach but I always do. I highly recommend this one – it runs through this weekend at the Playhouse.

Sunday of course was football. This week the Bengals and the Steelers didn’t play at the same time – which meant a long day of knitting for me. We went up to the Winking Lizard to watch the games with Osam – it’s a good thing I don’t care if I knit in public! I cranked out a ton of my epic project. It actually looks like what it’s supposed to be! I hate to be so vague but Christmas will be here soon. Osam at one point asked me "whatcha knitting" and Matt says "she’s knitting a ____. She’s turning a ball of yarn into a _____. Isn’t that amazing?" Which I thought was the nicest thing to say ever. He is a hell of a guy.... Anyways, both Matt and Osam were pretty (understandably) crushed by the end of the day. Luckily Family Guy was new…. Nothing like seeing Brian dancing to "It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!" to cheer him up. I seriously don’t know how that show does it… how they get away with everything that they do and how they find all of the references that they make. I remember the dancing banana from studio 4th year so what was that… 2002? Yeah… spring 2002…. Good times… good times…
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