November 29, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving (a little late)

Ok Thanksgiving knitting didn’t go as I planned at all. I ended up teaching my husband’s cousin (who is 5) how to knit instead of working on my holiday knitting! That’s ok though – she was thrilled at the bracelet that she made and I’m happy to pass this um… skill on to another generation of knitters. I also shot myself in the foot when I tried to work on a complicated part of the epic project while watching Eddie Izzard. I should know better! I had to rip out everything that I did because of a stupid mistake. Grrrr.

Tonight I should get tons done… I’m going to SnB early and staying late since my husband is currently insufferable. Stupid Steelers. Why couldn’t they win? Don’t they know how happy they make him when they win? Hopefully a night of being introverted and playing Madden grudge matches will cheer him up. It usually does.

Here's a pic of Dexter in the first snow.... he doesn't seem to like the snow much!

1 comment:

  1. hey there - cute pic of the pup :)))
    here's the link to the secret pal 6 that we were talking about. just keep checking it for updates about sp7.


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