January 20, 2009


Our baby shower was this past weekend and I’m still recovering. So much love. So many wonderful and supportive people in our lives. We are fortunate enough to literally have the Best Friends Ever. But I have lots of details of all of that coming once people send me pictures (HINT)… in the meantime here are a few photos that Jason sent me from the National Mall this morning:

Between the amazing that is this day, the wonderful weekend we had, and the fact that the Steelers are in the super bowl (I don't really care but Matt very much does)...just wow. So many reasons to be happy!


  1. dude-i like those photos! maybe we should have done more close up shots. and boy i wish that we had been a lot more on the ball about the freaking pictures this weekend! we brought the camera but the battery was dead and we got caught up in the flurry of activity and messed up and have none to show for it all. dmmit.
    but you are right-many things to be happy about and grateful for.

  2. There ARE so many reasons to be happy! I am so thankful that the last 8 years are finally over and we can move forward with hope & change! : )


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