November 22, 2008

Gizmo photo shoot #2

Finally! The Ultrasound Pics! Let’s get right to it then:
Ultrasound #2 taken @19.5 weeks
Fuzzy and kindof alien looking but still adorable! We had the ultrasound a few weeks ago and the most important thing is that all is well. Baby is completely healthy – passed all of the many tests that they do with no problems. S/he was moving around so much during the ultrasound that the tech had problems getting all of the measurements they needed. It was really fun to watch! How about a profile shot:
Ultrasound #2 taken @19.5 weeks
Totally looks like a baby.

It was so easy to make out what everything was once you found the spinal column… we could see it all. Little rib cage, little legs, little hands, and little arms:
Ultrasound #2 taken @19.5 weeks
Squeee!!! Actually seeing that baby skeleton inside of me was the inspiration for my Halloween costume.

So to answer the big question – yes. That was the ultrasound that we could find out the sex at. And yes. We know. It was kindof hard not to with everything going on right in front of us. But we have decided that we would like to keep it a surprise. So no one in the world knows but me and Matt. It’s actually really fun this way. We can be prepared but we still get to have the big “It’s a ???!!!” moment after the baby is born. And we are forced to keep with gender neutral purchases. This truly is what works best for us. At first I was worried about how hard it would be but honestly it really hasn’t been. Everyone around us has been so supportive of our decision. As long as everyone is respectful and isn’t trying to catch us or isn’t poking at it constantly and being a jerk about it then it’s not that big of a deal. Because, really, everyone will know in a few months anyways. Right now all that matters is that it’s a healthy baby:
Ultrasound #2 taken @19.5 weeks
A darn cute one, too.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    The pictures are wonderful! Isn't it great to see your baby!? S/He is already adorable. I think it's kinda fun that you and Matt know the gender but everyone else has to wait, makes it even more exciting.

  2. Yay! Congrats again! It's be kind of fun to be the only ones who know the gender of Gizmo!!

  3. oh wow, i didn't realize you knew! i think it would be so hard to keep it a secret! i can't wait for more belly pics! :)

  4. I love that you guys are keeping Gizmo's sex a secret! Fun!! :o)
    So glad the baby is healthy and YOU are too!! Yay!

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    :) These pics are great! I usually can't tell which end is up in ultrasound pics but I can totally see a baby here! How cute! I can't wait to see him/her!

  6. S/he looks just like you!

  7. How exciting for you!

  8. Ohhh hello cutie pie!!!

    We just had the last ultrasound and I was so excited thinking it was going to be like at 20 weeks, but the baby is so big at 31 that all I saw was a blob! The baby is so tight and now she's turned already so you can hardly see it as clearly as at 5 months!

    The doctor kept on saying "oh there is the eye, and the nose", WHERE????? :-( I did see a foot, but that was the only thing I made out!

  9. Fidgety...who does that sound like? Can't wait to meet Gizzmo! (also good call w/the gender neutral nickname)

  10. Hey, I just stumbled on to your page - It's a real baby! Right inside of you! How awesome. Congrats.

  11. Oh how cool and awesome!!! Such a cutie. I always love to try and guess what sex a baby will be - but in the interest of being respectful of your "secret", I'll keep my guess to myself. Once baby is here, I'll own up to it, right or wrong. :)

  12. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Adorable. I think I see a smile in the 2nd picture. Work those pouty lips little Giz.

  13. How adorable! What a fun secret to have. My hubby had to tell everyone the second we found out.

  14. Ok, if s/he's this cute in an ultrasound picture, s/he will SLAY with cuteness after birth. Congratulations on a healthy baby! I can't wait to get to this stage. Although I don't think we'll be able to keep our mouths shut!

  15. yay for u/s pics! i'm so behind in blog reading, but i'm sooooo excited to see your pics of gizmo! can't wait to meet your lil bebe!!

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