November 8, 2008

Circle of Friends Baby Blanket

Yeah this is another one for the better late than never file….

So the big knitting project for my friend Jennifer (check out her blog for adorable pics of her new family!) was the Circle of Friends baby blanket from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. There were 7 of us who wanted to knit something for her and I found this pattern – the whole premise is that each person knits a plain garter stitch strip and then at the end they are sewn together to create a blanket. But because I’m OCD about stuff like this I wasn’t happy with the arrangement of the colors in the original pattern. So I did a CAD mockup:

I am a geek.

Thankfully one of our group volunteered to take over the sewing it all together part:
blanket in progress
So my finishing duties were to basically just to come up with a border. The original pattern doesn’t have a border and I thought it looked kindof sloppy. Back to the OCD thing. To keep things simple I just picked up stitches on each side of the blanket and knit 5 ridges before casting off.
Jennifer's Blanket
In the end it kindof had the log cabin thing going for it. But in a good way.
Jennifer's Blanket

Then I blocked the shit out of it to even out any of the unevenness caused by so many hands working on it:
Jennifer's Blanket
(sidenote: where the hell am I going to block stuff when this is the baby’s room? I hadn’t thought of that until now… hmmmmm)

Anyways I think it turned out pretty great! Jennifer's Blanket

Jennifer loved it.

Pics from Jen

And while I was doing all of the finishing business two of the other girls made her a matching pillow with the leftover yarn!
Pics from Jen

So to sum up:
Ravelry link: Jennifer’s Baby Blanket
Pattern: Circle of friends baby blanket from Last Minute Knitted Gifts
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino
Mods: Screwed around with the color sequencing and added a garter stitch border.
Verdict: SUCCESS!


  1. What a great gift! I love the colors you chose!

  2. What a fab idea! The blanket and pillow turned out great!

  3. Lovely gift!! The ladies at our yarn shop have done something similar. And we've done random squares (12x12) in shades of purple to wrap a friend in a hug from all of us recently when she went thru a tough time.

  4. What a lucky little one. I would have hated to be the one to sew that blankie up. It turned out great and it looks like the momma loved it.

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What a wonderful shared project!

  6. That is such a lovely present, and it is beautiful. I definitely agree that a border is an absolute necessity.

  7. I linked through while browsing projects/blog links on Ravelry. I think I'm going to borrow your 4-color layout scheme ;) I was wanting to make my sister a throw for her living room, which has a pretty particular color scheme that I could only find 4 colors that "fit" into. The colors aren't quite what you chose, but they are close enough that I can picture the blanket now. Thanks.


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