So my fav guilty pleasure hands down is Scott Baio is 45 and Single (or SB45S as it is referred to in emails between my friends). It’s awesome. SB is awesome. I’m a bit too young to have ever had a crush on him but watching the trainwreck that is his life and hearing about how he was so that guy (you know the guy. The one who has made out with not only you but all of your roommates and friends as well) is just fantastically amusing.
But not nearly as amusing as this:

Scott Baio is 45 and a Knitter
I found that on this site – apparently there was a knitting swag booth at the Emmy’s for celebs. So jealous that they get knitting swag… If only there was more crosspollination between knitting and bad reality TV. Perhaps the contestants on ANTM could have to model things that they knit themselves and Tyra could scream at them about gauge. “You don’t know wool! You don’t know where alpaca comes from!” Btw how come noone told me of the awesomeness that is watching skinny, pretty, bitcy girls freak out at each other under the tutelage of cross dressers? It should not have taken me until cycle 9 to discover this show.
I also have recently discovered this site thanks to Andi:
It has maps to yarn stores! Which will come in very handy since we have quite a few quick little weekend trips planned for this fall. Actually we’re going out of town 4 out of the next 6 weekends. Hopefully I can squeeze in a little yarn store tourism during our wanderings. At the very least I’ll have lots of good car knitting time!
And finally – I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of the comments on our trip. I saw Michelle and Annie at Birds of a Feather last night and they assured me that you guys do like hearing about Peru. There’s been quite a bit of talk lately around the blogs and on Ravelry about what people like to see in a knit blog and it seems the #1 thing is to stick to topic and just post about knitting. I’m SO not good at that. And I know that this blog has wandered waaay off topic lately and I was getting worried that you guys would get bored of me. It’s really, really nice to know that you do like the travel posts (especially since they take a looong time to put together) and that I’m not completely boring you!
And while I’m posting all of this Peru stuff I going to try to actually finish some of the many things I have started. Which means that at the end of all of this travel business there will (hopefully) be lots and lots of new finished objects to show.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Ok, I followed that post on Ravelry for a while until I got so annoyed I couldn't take it any longer. Seriously, write what you want to write about, we will all read it because we like you! Some of those postings were so irritating...
ReplyDeleteI always wanted there to be knitting on 'Project Runway', but I guess that isn't really feasible, although Angela was a knitter!!
I say write what you want! I like your Peru posts and pics. I wish I was better at writing about more than knitting!
ReplyDeleteHEY! I like the Peru posts... I just haven't responded cause I had about 200 some blogs to read See, it's pictures that do it for me when it comes to blogs. I could care less about knitting content. I love knitting content, but I'm more about the people.
ReplyDeleteKeep on writing what you want...we'll still stop by to read! Peru is not a place I've been to, so I've rather enjoyed the pics and'll get back to knitting soon enough!
ReplyDeleteChachi... *gush* them were the "happy days"... You're quite welcome on Knit Map. Know you like to travel here and there thought it would be handy for you. I agree write what you want to. Who gives a flying flipper.. if they don't want to read it, then they are missing out on interesting stuff. Yes please more on Peru. We are all living vicarously through your re-inactments of Tarzan and Jane ;)
ReplyDeleteYEah don't worry about it being only a knit blog. That's bullshit. I will admit to liking more pics less text but hey, like ashley I have 200+ blogs to read on any given day so I tend to be a skimmer. There's so many different styles of blogging as well as reading the blogs. Just do your thing.
ReplyDeleteOMG, ANTM is one of my top guilty pleasures for SURE! I love it. And don't worry about making your blog just about knitting - at the beginning of this year, one of my resolutions was to make my blog MORE about other things and not so much "just knitting." I for one like reading about Peru and about anything else you want to talk about. I love when some people who *don't even have a blog* tell you what to write about - this has happened to me - I feel like saying, "Get your own blog and write about whatever you want!"
ReplyDeleteForgot to say, I will have to check out the Scott Baio show. I am a little older than you and I remember the tail-end of the Scott Baio crushes. I wouldn't have imagined him to be "that guy" - he seems more like All-American, mom and apple pie to me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the previous commenter that there should totally be knitting on Project Runway.
Love your trip photos. It makes me want to plan a trip there! It looks like you had loads of fun (minus the broken nose incident--I hope that's feeling better). I'm up for a thrum-along if you are! I wonder if anyone else is?
ReplyDeletecan you even imagine that i'm so far behind reading my favorite blogs (and forget about having time to update my own) that i'm just now commenting on this one?! i know - it's ridiculous! anyway, just wanted to say how much i've loved reading about your trip and think that the bozo's on ravelry should eat my shorts cuz i read blogs to learn about the people who write them, not just their knitting! so keep up the fabulous blog and i'll try to keep up reading it : )
ReplyDeleteps - i hope i can make it to birds w/ you one of these days. this school stuff is for the birds, speaking of which, and i think i might be quitting...we'll see. depends on what else life throws my way in the days to come.