So! How about some more FALL? Last weekend we took the kids to
Patterson's Fruit Farm for their
Family Fun Fest:
It was a lovely, if a bit chilly, fall day:
We went with the
Near West Family Network so the kids got to hang out with their friends:
We did all of the fall things:
The dude in a treehouse, Matt on stilts, the dude on a tractor, walking through the woods to the slides. |
Even Tiny got in on the action! And by action I mean mud. SO MUCH MUD.
Toddler running downhill in the woods. Happiness personified. |
The pumpkin patch was pretty picked over but Tiny still had fun toddling through it:
The big kids wanted to do the corn maze but Matt took one look inside it, saw all the mud, and said "Sorry, kids! We can't go in there because ALLIGATORS!" scooped up Tiny and ran. I... yeah. If you tell kids there are alligators somewhere? THEY ARE GOING TO WANT TO LOOK FOR THE ALLIGATORS. So I braved the mud and took the big kids on an alligator hunt.
Surprisingly we didn't find any. |
Sadly the apple picking was over for the season. So unlike
last year we didn't get to sample all of their varieties. But I still bought a bunch to make some
Apple Raspberry Sauce.
They were super helpful. |