June 15, 2012

J3 Clothing Company.

So last night I was lucky enough to go to a blogger event at J3 Clothing Company in Moreland Hills.

J3 Cloting event
It is a men's store which carries pretty much anything a guy could ever need.  Seriously.  They had shorts and casual options:

J3 Cloting event

J3 Cloting event
Including these fantastic green pants.
Through full-on suits:

J3 Cloting event

 Through fantastic shoes:

Awesome shoes at J3 @j3clothing

 Seriously fantastic shoes:

J3 Cloting event
These were almost Matt's father's day gift.
But the thing I like about the store the most was their attention to detail.  Every item in the store has a story:

J3 Cloting event
JB Dunn showing us urban wear that was designed specifically not to have a logo on it by people in the film industry.  You have to feel this jacket to believe it.  It feels like a soft fabric not a jacket.

J3 Cloting event
The Tie Thing.  Not only a genius idea but also a local company.  I want to get one for every guy I know.
And was displayed beautifully:

J3 Cloting event
J3 Cloting event

The interior of the store was designed using as many recycled materials, and local manufacturers and artists as possible:

A little bit obsessed with this light fixture at @j3clothing
I'm a bit obsessed with this light fixture.
The store as a whole had a great feel to it:

J3 Cloting event
Click through to flickr for the full panorama.
And the owners were incredibly nice and personable.  You can read more of their story here.  This is a place you'd want to go hang out at for awhile.

I also very much enjoyed meeting some other Cleveland bloggers / twitter people in person:

J3 Cloting event
I should have taken a better picture of everyone.
J3 Cloting event
Really.  Why do I suck so hard at people pics?
So great to meet you Julie, Amanda, Nadine, Kimberly, and Rebecca!

It was also fun to have a night out with my friend Angela (she's now on twitter!  yay!):
J3 Cloting event
We loved the orange shirt.
Overall it's a great store owned by great, local people.  I think Matt needs to go check it out soon - and bring the most fashionable member of our family with him for some advice:

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She picked this entire outfit out - complete with fabulous bag - to go to the park on a random afternoon.
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