March 11, 2009

Phase 87,000: Gizmotopia

So no pictures of the kitchen – or the baby – yet. Both seem to be stalled out at about 95% done. Boo. The baby’s room, however, is done, done, DONE!

Some of the details… well first of all there’s the Loom Crib:

Then there’s the quilt my aunt made me:

That – combined with my love of the fisher price rainforest line of gear - ended up being the inspiration for the entire room. I pulled the black polka-dot fabric from the quilt out and my mom used it to make bumper pads:
(yes. I know that bumper pads = DEATH TRAPS OMFG. Please don’t comment on it.)

And super-cute curtains:
We repainted the previously burgundy wall to the same shade of bright, stoplight, fire engine red as the curtains. The paint color, btw, is named “Three Cheers for Pooh” which I find HILARIOUS for a baby’s room. Three cheers for poo, indeed.

Speaking of which – I set up a changing area using fun little organizers from Ikea:
The knobs came from the discount bin at Target and totally work with the jungle thing I have going. So do these fun little wall stickers that match the Rainforest line:
My fav. spot in the room is this:
The rocker was a shower gift from my parents and it’s one of those places that if you sit down it’s almost impossible to ever get up. In a good way. My grandma made the quilt and the pillowcase. Both are so beautiful and perfect for my little rocking spot!

My mom picked up a little table at a secondhand store and took a crappy, army green, Ikea lamp that Matt and I used to have in our room and turned it into this:
So I have a little station for a water bottle and a book or whatever else I need while I’m stuck in the rocker nursing for hours (cell phone so I can twitter… you know... the basics).

The furniture in the room is mine from when I was a kid – gotta love all that shelving:
Clearly there’s not much on there now but if this kid is anything like me the shelves will be filled with books in a few short years.

And the blanket my knitting friends made me even has its own home:
(more on this later because it is SO deserving of it’s own post)

And of course the crazy ceiling fan that I was so excited about:
But it didn’t throw out as much light as I wanted so we also hung up this paper lantern that we bought when we lived in San Francisco:

Which will give the baby something fun to look at while they are being changed!

So yeah. The room is good to go. Just need an actual baby to put in it!


  1. Great room! I can't wait until mine is that finished! And I love the bumper pad. Yes, I know it's bad. But the lady at our childbirth class said it's only bad until the baby can crawl. Then you can use it. And I've seen SO many mom's use it before then. So do what makes YOU happy!

  2. OMG your room is sooo cute! Love it! I have some of that border print on the quilt your aunt made you! I made a baby quilt for a friend with it!

  3. That is the coolest baby room I've seen! It's kiddie without being baby. Love it!

  4. Gizmotopia is so COOL and SWEET! The shelves! The FAN! The rocker where you will be spending hours and hours nursing. The ode to Poo wall color! The wall stickers of intense cuteness.


    Come on Baby Gizmo!

  5. love it! and don't forget the night's you will be SLEEPING in that rocker! :)

  6. What an awesome room. I'm sure little Gizmo will be here soon - who wouldn't, with a room as cool as that waiting??

  7. Gizmoland is looking good! It's really nice when it all comes together like all it needs is Gizmo - tomorrow was my guess and now that his room is done...he can present himself:)

  8. That room looks great!!!

  9. Very cute! If you have a boy, the mirror over the changing table will give you a nice, artsy view of the arc of pee that will inevitably happen.

    Hehehe, arc of pee. Potential alternate band name.

  10. you know i think it is adorable. but i feel like it needs a rug.

  11. lol... arc of pee... band name! AWESOME!

    seriously though, this is ONE amazing room and I love your rocking corner, i suspect you will spend lots of happy/tired/crazy hours there!

    and I TOTALLY recognize your furniture! tee hee! :)

  12. and by my account, you can have your baby anytime after midnight. tee hee! :)

    seriously, hope everything is awesome and have matt give us a tweet or something when it's out! :)

  13. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Just have to add the furniture is really on its third was mine when I was a kid too .....still works and you can't beat the price....Come on baby!!!!!

  14. Such a special room for a very special little one.

  15. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Beautiful job on the room. Just adorable. Congrats on that rocker. I was hoping you'd get one !! It'll come in handy. Got stockpile of diapers & wipes yet?

  16. i love love love the nursery! everything looks awesome, girlie - can't wait to meet lil gizmo!!

  17. what a wonderful room!! that is going to be one happy and stimulated baby!!


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