March 12, 2009

My one freezer meal: Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas

So the one piece of assvice I kept getting from people is that before the baby I NEED to make a whole bunch of meals to freeze. Because once the baby comes I won’t have ANY time and if I don’t do this clearly I am unprepared and unfit. And have you frozen any meals yet? Because you need to do that. Even just some soup. You know you can’t take a newborn to the grocery store, right? And I DON’T HAVE A KITCHEN SO STOP ASKING ABOUT THE FREEZER MEALS THANKS.

Literally the second my kitchen was fully functional I felt immense pressure to get something, anything, into my freezer. If for no reason other than to get the assvicy coworkers off of my back.

Enter the easiest freezer recipe I know - Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas. Ok disclaimer - I know this is probably a complete bastardization of a dish and that there are probably people out there who find this recipe as offensive as I find it when people serve the pasta separate from the sauce. But I’m not Mexican or Southwestern and I kindof am salty at Arizona in general since I read somewhere that they wanted to build a pipeline from the Great Lakes to solve their “we live in the desert but want lush golf courses” problem. But it’s quick and it’s easy and it freezes well. So take it for what it is.

Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas:

(this makes a shitload but you can easily halve the recipe. This is one of those setups where it’s as easy to make one as it is a billion.)
  • Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast – I used the kind that come individually frozen in a bag since they were on sale this week and used an entire bag
  • Salsa – I used a BIG jar.
  • Can of diced tomatoes pepper and onion flavor, drained.
  • 2 bricks of reduced fat cream cheese – you can probably get away with the non fat kind but it won’t be as melty and I’m thinking I’ll need the comfort of melty cheese postpartum.
  • Corn Starch (may not be needed)
  • Chili powder (if you want)
  • Cayenne (if you want)
  • Any other Mexican-type seasonings that you like
  • 2 packages of Mission Flour Tortillas size medium
  • Big can of enchilada sauce
  • Big bag of shredded cheddar cheese mix.
  • Cooking spray
Step 1: Put the chicken, salsa, drained tomatoes, and half of the cream cheese in the crockpot and cook on low for 8 hours. I didn’t even bother thawing the chicken first.

Step 2: The crockpot mixture probably looks nasty at this point. Don’t worry – it’s just part of the process. Mix everything together while pulling the chicken apart with 2 forks. Drain off some of the liquid if it seems too runny. Add in the rest of the cream cheese and wait for it to melt and mix in. If the mixture still seems too runny add corn starch as needed. You want it to be goopy and delicious. Like this:
Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas
Step 3: Flavor with any spices that you want to add. I threw in some cayenne and some chili powder to give it a little more kick.

Step 4: Spray the bottom of a baking dish with nonstick spray.

Step 5: Assemble the enchiladas.
Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas
I just put a spoonful of the chicken mixture down the middle and folded the tortillas Chipolte-style. Top, bottom, then the sides. Place them seam side down in the baking dish like so:
Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas
This made enough for two full pans!
Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas
Plenty for both dinner and the freezer. Also isn't my new glass tile backsplash awesome?

Step 6: Top the enchiladas with enchilada sauce and pile on the cheese:
Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas

Step 7: Cover with foil, label, and freeze. Feel smug about how prepared you are what with your ONE freezer meal and all:
Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas

Step 8: Spray foil with non stick spray and cover. Bake at 350 for 25 min until cheese is bubbly. Uncover and cook for 5 min more.

I served them with a box of Zatarans black beans and rice. One pan was enough for Matt, Andy, and I to stuff ourselves silly and still have plenty leftover for lunches the next day.

So ok. I have a meal in the freezer, my house is clean, and as of today I’m officially on maternity leave. The missing trim pieces for the kitchen will be in and assembled tomorrow. So really I just need the actual baby. Seriously, kid, it’s about time to come out now.


  1. Aww... I take it you are DONE with being preggers, huh???

    And I LOVE the sound of this little recipe!

    And you are AGAIN teasing me with your kitchen!!!

  2. mmm. sounds yummy, I need to try this!

    my question is why are your co-workers not going to bring the new mommy food once she has her gizmo?! maybe they could bring you some food you can freeze incase you don't want to eat it right away. :)

  3. OK I noticed the tile backsplash right away! I so want to tile ours, maybe this summer!

    That recipe sounds delish! I'm going to have to try it!

  4. Oh yum that looks so good! I'll have to try this myself.

    Soon! It will be soon!

  5. These sound delish!! I'll be trying this recipe out soon, I can tell you that! You know, as long as you have good friends and/or take out menus, who needs a freezer full of pre-cooked meals?

  6. Yum! I love melted cream cheese.

    I hope Gizmo comes out soon.

  7. i find it interesting that they were apparently obsessed with frozen food. why? can matt not muster the energy to cook food as well? my husband (as you know) does all the cooking. when (and if!) we have a kid, i am pretty sure he will still be doing that. i understand eliminating (or trying to) extra stuff to do, but srsly--enough people!

  8. EXACTLY!!!! not like Matt doesn't have two hands of his own. And even though I do most of the cooking/meal planning he is perfectly capable of following directions.

  9. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Thanks for sharing. I'm totally making this today and am really looking forward to it.

  10. Sounds good. I need to make these ASAP. The kitchen is looking great in the background. I bet you're glad the kitchen was done first before the baby was.

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM


  12. that looks delish and i'm adding the recipe to my weekly menu to try soon cuz i think my slightly (ok, not so slightly) picky hubby will eat it. thanks for sharing! ps - the kitchen is amazing - bring on the baby!!

  13. The recipe sounds tasty! LOL on the "assvice" - I'm going to have to use that one. Haven't these people ever heard of Takeout Taxi? LOL.

  14. Don't feel bad. I survived and I didn't freeze one little thing. Actually while I was on maternity leave my house was never cleaner and dinner was always made. I don't have that kind of time working.

  15. Hey - wow, small world!
    I found this post after googling "cleveland used freezers grocery" cause we're looking for a used grocery-style freezer cabinet at work.
    After I read your recipe I looked at the URL and I realized Hey! I know the author of this blog! Small world.

    See you at knitting Thursday



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