August 2, 2010

Shop Update Monday – It’s good to be a girl

Well that skirt I was making last week was just an epic fail:
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Seriously. Awful. Everything is crooked, it’s way to small on her, and there is entirely too little tulle for the effect I was going for.

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And of course when I tried it on just to see how bad it was my child refused to take it off.  Of course she did.
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What? I don’t care if you have “craft” issues. It’s fun to play with the tulle.

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You're never taking this off of me, mom.

I also feel the need to point out here that her current favorite toy is a shiny, pink purse I bought her at a used clothing sale for 10 cents.
Her pink purse is filled w matchbox cars
She fills it with her matchbox cars.

You know who else I think could rock pink tulle while playing with cars?

Miss Annie Oakley.  So her colorway is now available for the first time ever here on Etsy.
Annie Oakley
It's good to be a girl!


  1. aww.. poor fail skirt :( it had such potential! well, N looks adorable in it anyway.. but then again, she looks adorable in anything!

  2. Man! I am never gonna make it until Rhinebeck. . .trying. . .to. . .resist. . .futility. . .

  3. Hey Pretty Knitty, I have some of that Annie Oakley, if you want to pet it before you buy it. Let me know and I'll bring it Thursday.

  4. Oh, and Jeanne, is it really a fail if she loves it?

  5. I think it's cute. She loves it and that's what counts. I think Miss Dorothy is jealous though and wants a tu tu too!

  6. What a cute skirt!! :) She looks great! :)

  7. Hey, hope all is well for you! While I'd agree with the above comments that "fail" is in the eye of the beholder, I just saw this tutorial and thought of you:

    Hope you don't mind my presumption. Take care!

  8. It's totally cute! If the Girl loves it, the skirt is a WIN! And the shiny red shoes are too cute for words. :-)

  9. Hey Jeanne, I just came across this blog post and thought of you and the toddler:
    The video it links to is a good one.

  10. Where arrrrreeeeeeeeee you?!?! We miss you!

    I was just thinking, hmmm I haven't seen any posts from Jeanne in a while!

    -Your friendly creepy blogstalker ;)


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