March 14, 2006


Check out what I found when I came home from work today:
I have crocus! I have blooms!!! I have color!!!!!

These are in my back yard… the spring bulbs that are growing in my side yard still haven’t bloomed but I’m beginning to think they are daffodils.

I also saw not one but two robins in my back yard this morning and isn’t that a sign of spring?


  1. Yea! I was just doing a scan of our yarn this morning, too. I think all the wind the last few days scared our little crocuses -- but our tulips and daffodils should be blooming soon. I love spring! I can't wait for it to be warm enough to sit out on the deck again!

  2. yay for spring - how purdy! :)

  3. Love the crocus, they're beautiful. And thanks for the warm welcome to Knit Ohio.


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