May 22, 2009

Coming out of the fog

So I’m finally starting to feel like the baby fog is lifting a little bit. Between her sleeping through the night more consistently and the big Baptism party we threw being over I’m actually starting to get my life back. Or something to that effect. Signs things are returning to “normal”:

1.) This is my second blog post this week.

2.) I did this the other day:
random green fiber
It’s just some random fiber that I got for Christmas one year. I don’t know what it is but it has a really short staple length and it’s really bouncy.
random green fiber
I’m just rockin’ the only type of spinning that I really know how to do. Basic two ply. Someday I’ll learn how to do something else… someday…
052209 027

3.) We are having a little cookout/cavs party tonight. It’s not the barhopping of days past but chilling with the group and a glass of wine is going to feel really good.

4.) I have two finished objects to show you:
pink ribbon washcloth
Granted they are just washcloths and they still need to be blocked but still – I finished something! They are both for my friend who is doing the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day walk. She needed some door prizes for one of her fundraisers and I thought these would be kindof fun:
pink ribbon washcloth
The pattern is the Awareness Ribbon Washcloth (Ravelry link here) and the yarn is some random cotton I’ve had forever.
pink ribbon washcloth

5.) I did inventory today:

Yeah remember that Destination Yarn thing? Where I started up this really cool business and then couldn’t do it anymore because I got all pregnant and sick and then had a baby?

It’s time to revisit that.

So far I’ve only listed some old favorites (Copenhagen, anyone?) but stay tuned – there’s some very fun new colorways coming soon.

6.) I went on a bike ride. The last time I was on the bike I was about 12 weeks pregnant and it resulted in me puking in the street, in a neighbor’s yard, in my back yard, and finally in my kitchen sink. So I may have only gone a few miles but I didn’t puke so WIN.

7.) I’m going to the Great Lakes Fiber Festival tomorrow. Without the baby. I’ve left her both with Matt and with my mom for a few hours before… but not for nearly this long. Honestly I’m not really nervous. Matt’s great with her and a full day of “daddy time” will be good for both of them. Plus I’m super excited about the Ravelry meetup. I’ve been so out of the knitting loop lately (Cookie came out with a book? Really? Totally didn’t know that until last night.) that it will be good to catch up with everyone.

So yeah. I know things have changed forever and I’m fine with that. And I know I smell like spitup about 90% of the time and I’m also fine with that. But I have to admit – it feels nice to reclaim a little bit of my pre-baby world.
Does this mean you’re actually going to finish one of my sweaters?


  1. The spinning is looking good! I haven't spun that much in ages. You've got be beat and I have no excuse!

  2. It was great to see you out and about today! There was some realllyy nice yarn out there today. Maybe next year we'll some your yarn out there:)

  3. Wow I got ot see you twice this week too!! It was good to see you today and glad you are getting back out to see us! You will have to bring the baby along one of these times so we can ohhhh and ahh over her thought!!!

  4. Things have changed for you forever. One of the first times I went supermarket shopping alone (leaving my son with my mother), I heard "mommy!", and I turned around instinctively. You'll find that you start looking at every baby you see.

    Have a great time at the fiber fair.

  5. Sometimes I'm totally out of the loop and er, I don't have a baby. It's so sad.

    P.S. I think the Destination Yarns in my stash may be my next pair of socks!

  6. omgosh, jeanne...she actually looks chubby in this pic!! woohooo for a beautiful chunker munker :)))


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