Well this is it. At lunch today we turned in the keys to our apartment. As excited as I am about moving to the house I can’t help but be a little sad about leaving downtown. This was my first ever apartment in the real world. Our first apartment as a married couple – hell our first apartment together period. We had many adventures there. Things I’ll miss about living where I did:
- The view. I could see the Cuyahoga, the bridges, the smokestacks of the powerhouse, the tower of the west side market, public square, the Cleveland skyline, all of it without leaving home
- Watching the weather come in off the lake – especially the snow. Being on the 11th floor made it feel like we were actually up in the clouds.
- Hearing the freighters blow their horn to make the bridges go up and down.
- Being able to go downstairs to the grocery store to buy whatever, whenever.
- Having no commute.
- Being able to walk to Indians games
- Exposed, massive brick walls - although I have brick now so I guess nevermind
- Watching my doggie negotiate the elevator and especially watching him run as fast as he can down the hallway to our door after his walks.
- The wind up on the roof deck - it's almost like an ocean breeze only caused by the lake and the city.
- Hearing people say "wow this is an amazing apartment"
- Hearing and sometimes seeing all of the fireworks downtown
- Being able to go out to happy hour without worrying how I was going to get home
- Being able to bring my dog to patios of the west 6th bars
- Being able to walk to about a million different restaurants
- Having a fun place for people to come and stay – my friends better still come to visit us!
- Not having to worry about all of the worries of having a home
- The concrete columns
- The crappy wood floor
- The borrowed light windows
- Our yellow wall
- Meeting random young people in the elevator
- Invites to random roof-deck parties
- Getting home before my husband does
- Watching the lights of the city come on at night
- Being a part of what I’m working for
It’s a lot… but not enough to keep us here. This was a good move and I’m happy with our decision… because there’s just as many things that I won’t miss and there are twice as many things that are so much better in our new house. As bitter sweet as it is it’s time to move on.
Here are some parting shots out of the windows of what was our first home:
Public Square
Scranton Peninsula (which was my thesis site way back when)
The Flats