October 14, 2008

Old Wives Tales

So have you guys heard of the old wives tale that the baby won’t come until the knitting is done? Because I think it might be true. See Jennifer was past her due date… and I still hadn’t finished her mommy socks. I thought I was exempt since the baby socks were done… but the thought that I might be holding this baby up and leaving her 9 months pregnant for longer than necessary… well… I spent all weekend doing this:
Hedraish socks
I finished the socks on Sunday night.
Hedraish socks
And on Monday she had a baby girl.
Hedraish socks
Hedraish socks
Possibly. But if any of you out there are thinking about knitting anything for Gizmo (mom this includes you) please finish it before March 15! More details on the socks are on Ravelry here.

Speaking of baby knitting – last night while watching the Browns kick some Manning ass on Monday Night Football I started a project for ours:
Who, btw, is growing like crazy. Last week (week 17) they were the size of an onion:
Week 17
Which is confusing since onions are way smaller than avocados. Instead I prefer to think that at 5.1 inches the baby is the same size as Dexter’s head:
Week 17
That makes so much more sense.

Oh yeah – I got my hair all chopped off! I donated it to Wigs for Kids. Which is a really, really great cause. I highly recommend doing this if you can – and I figure a little good Karma while pregnant can’t be a bad thing.

So this week the baby is the size of a sweet potato:

Which goes very well with all of the lobster we’ll be eating in Maine. We leave tomorrow and at this point I’m just procrastinating all of the packing….


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Your hair looks fabulous! Go Browns! Those socks rock! Be-u-tee-ful. Aww now we get to call him/her a sweet tater. Kewl. Have a safe trip!

  2. Are you having a baby or a meal? Interesting way of looking at it's growth. =)

    The socks are lovely! Nothing like an impending birth to spur one into action. I hope mommy loves them! Have fun in Maine!

  3. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Have a wonderful trip! I love the haircut (and the socks).

  4. Anonymous8:24 AM

    BTW, I was at the game on Monday night~it was the best!
    And, you're making me crave lobster at 8 am!

  5. I'm sure your friend appreciated you getting those socks finished up so her baby could arrrive!! :)

    Have a great trip to Maine.

  6. I don't know about that saying about knitting. If it were true, I'd still be pregnant. But the socks are gorgeous.

  7. Great socks! Pretty and just the right amount of spice.

  8. I wonder if it would freak Hubster out if I started saying stuff like, "hey, did you know that a fetus is the size of an onion at week 17?" During dinner. ;)

    Love the new 'do!

  9. Your hair looks adorable! and the socks are gorgeous! I was just wondering about Jennifer and if she had her baby! Now I know!

    Yay! Have fun on your trip!

  10. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Those are pretty socks! I hope the sweet potato is treating you well! You look great!

  11. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Great socks! I love the color of the baby sweater too...gorgeous!

  12. You look terrific! When you get past the point where my preemie (now in 7th grade) came, I'll let you know. Enjoy the trip, girlfriend.

  13. I know who woulda thought... Go Browns! Love the socks!

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Woo Hoo! I didn't know my old team---the Browns---were kicking some butt! I'll have to pay more attention, since my home team here is the Lions. Yikes! (My mom likes to cause trouble now that she's back in NE Ohio and root for the Bengals...) Hang in there with the Bebe; you're doing GREAT!

  15. Such great socks!

    Congrats on your pregnancy. You look fantastic!!!! I love that little baby bump!


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