June 21, 2008

Yarn Postcard #1: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ok I’m a Clevelander. It’s a bit weird that I started this venture with a colorway our rival city.

But honestly I like Pittsburgh. It’s very similar to Cleveland in that it’s a modern city:

With a gritty industrial past:
Ruin of a Blast Furnace

Plus a city with this description just begs to be made into yarn:

“Hell with the lid off

My husband was born and raised in Pittsburgh so he had a lot of opinions on this colorway. The first skein I dyed was “not bright orange enough” and the redo was “too black and red”. Finally I created something that he felt conveyed both the fire and the grit of steel production.
Also I love me some bright orange socks.
It’s available here at Destination Yarn.

Dude I just listed my first thing on Etsy ever! Exciting!

Anyways so about that contest thing....

Destination Yarn Launch Party Contest:

Prize: One skein of your choice of any of the first 5 Destination Yarn yarn postcards. To Enter: Leave a comment on this or any of the colorway posts and let me know what your favorite place is and what colors you think it would be. Or really any comment saying you want to enter will work. I’m pretty excited about this whole situation so I’m not going to be too picky about entry.

Additional ways to enter: If you are a regular commenter on this blog I’ll enter your name in twice just to thank you for reading. Also because this is a “get the word out” sortof a situation if you refer someone to this or any of the Destination Yarn posts and they mention where they came from I’ll enter your name again. Oh and if you buy a skein of yarn I’ll enter your name in again!

Other stuff: The contest will run until next Sat, June 27th. Get your comments in by midnight on Sat for them to count. Sometime during the day on Sunday (or possibly Monday) I will draw a name and pick a winner!


  1. Oooo, I like that orange!

    I'd choose a variety of blues and whites for Venice, Italy :-)

  2. How very pretty!!! And after hearing how you chose the colors and what they represent, it's even more attractive.

    I've never been to Italy, but I'm dying to go - can I pick that too? I don't have color suggestions, because I've never been. I'll just say DON'T do the Italian flag. LOL It would look like Christmas!

  3. OK that color is very cool!!

    OK I like beachey colors, blues/greens/tans, the ocean and beach! AHH it makes me feel good just thinking about it! LIke 7 mile beach in Grand Cayman, or the Beach in Belize!

    Good luck on your etsy endevor!!

  4. My dad has worked in the steel industry pretty much his whole life (but in East Chicago, IN, not Pittsburgh). Yay steel mills!

    I'm going to say Custer State Park by Rapid City, South Dakota. Colors would include deep blue for the sky, dark green for the pine trees, and flecks of pink and grey for all of the granite formations. Now I want to go on vacation, stat. :)

  5. Great idea. For Kauai I'd have dark green with bits of yellow and blue.

  6. Oh, I fell in love with Sedona, Arizona. The reddish brown rocks, the blue, blue sky, a few fluffy white clouds.

    Congrats on your etsy shop!

  7. Oooooh! I bought yarn. Could. not. resist.


  8. Hiya, Karen of "musings" sent me. Isn't she a star :) Anyway, Hawaii springs to mind and for me that is either plumeria- shades of green with shades of yellow, or the sea- shades of green, black (lava) and blue. I don't think I've seen much of the later though I have recently found a "Kilauea" inspired yarn- orange red yellow black- that's fab. I want a sea one to go along with.

  9. Congrats on the new etsy shop. Very excited for you. Love the Pittsburg yarn. I even see a hint of Steeler yellow/gold in there.

    My yarn color/location suggestion is Columbus, Ohio. One guess what the colors would be. Yes Scarlet and grey. There I said it. Original? Not really, but still fun.

    Good luck with the new shop. Looking forward to the new colorways. :-)

  10. Congrats!

    Well, I live in Columbia Station, an outlying suburb of Cleveland, and I think there's no place like home. Spring in the Metroparks is beautiful. I can't believe how many shades of green there are. And I love it when the phlox blooms against all that green. So.. the colors would be dark green, light green, lavender, purple and white.

  11. Congrats on your new venture! And thanks for featuring 'Picksburgh';)

    My favorite place: Marrakech, with as many shades of rose, tan, and bright blue as you can imagine.

  12. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I am SO proud of you!!!! The yarns are beautiful and so imaginative. My suggestion is Pieve di Monti di Villa in the pinks of Tuscan houses and tile roof terra cotta with maybe different values of gray flecks for all the stone work mixed with silvery green for the olive trees. Maybe not striped but mottled of these colors would evoke the Tuscan country side....hmmm....makes me want to book a flight.
    Okay, don't put me in the drawing or everyone will think it is a fix! Good luck to you!!

  13. I don't have a favourite place, but of the places I've been I think Saskatchewan is one that would make a pretty colourway. It would have sky blue and wheat gold and green for the windbreaks between fields.

  14. How exciting for you! Congrats. OK, so cities and color ideas, hmmmmm......

    Well, I would have to say that one of my favorite cities is New Orleans. I loved everything about it for the 3 years we lived there. The smells, sights, sounds, FOOD! Yummmy!.

    The obvious colorway choice would be the mardi gras purple, green and gold but, New Orleans was so much more than mardi gras. the cajun influence on food, culture and music surrounded you with each step and breath you took.

    That in mind, I would say that New Orleans deserves a colorway reflective of it's cajun influences. Red, orange, black with a bit of brown and cream. Spicy, (Red & orange) - Dark & mysterious (black) - rich and smooth (brown and cream).

    Let me know what you think and good luck on your endeavors!

  15. Hell with the lid off, LOL! I had a headache like that yesterday...

    Hmmm, my favorite place and what colors would it be... will have to ponder that one and comment later...

  16. The yarns are ALL gorgeous! Wow...

    I would have to say my favorite place is Manzanita, Oregon. By the beach with the tan sand and greens, grays and blues of the flora/skies/ocean.

  17. Congratulations and best wishes on your new venture! Color is a beautiful thing. One of my favorite places is Ireland - every shade of green under the sun. You can see the "forty sahdes of green" on landing and take off.

  18. Congrats! The yarns look great - can't wait until the bank account heals from the evil car fiasco. My favorite vacations spot? Gettsyburg. It was a yearly visit when I was a kid b/c my granddad lived there, he was actually a battlefield tour guide. Colors? The obvious navy and gray, but the green and wheat gold of the summer farmland need to factor in.

  19. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I adore Key West...so the usual tropical type colors but with unusual splashes of lunacy tossed in!

    Which then makes me think of Cuba...I have never been there and probably never will, but I think of Caribbean colors that are slightly faded.

  20. Mostly Self-Taught Karen referred me, and I'm so glad she did! What a lovely, imaginative thing you've done! And with mighty pretty results...

    My favorite city is Prague, and though I've only been there in the summertime, I always think of it in a rich palette of greys - silver grey, dark smoky grey, pale blue-grey, etc.

  21. Anonymous4:16 PM

    that orange is pretty!!!

    I'd pick a subtle grey, sky blue, dark blue, and white to remind me of the mountain ranges in winter, in Heidelberg, Germany

  22. Your yarns are fantastic! Congrats on opening your store!

    One of my favorite places is Gambier, OH, where I went to college. In the early fall, it's all brilliant blue and gold.

  23. Wow, great idea for yarn colorways, shop name and general concept! Congrats!

    I don't know how you'd do it, but my last vacation spot was San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. The colors I remember are very strong, the air is very clear and the sun is very bright, it's known for being popular with photographers. Anyway - you can see examples of the classic bright colors of Mexican style everywhere. They use all colors that actually do appear in nature, just the most brilliant - fuschia, golden yellow, lime green, turquoise - just stunning!

  24. I LOVE this concept. So unique and the colors are beautiful.

    Hmm, oddly one of my favorite destinations is Cleveland, because my family is there. I've been out west a couple of times, though and I like the colors there. So, in honor of New Mexico or Colorado, I suggest sage green, dust brown and the most intense blue sky you can muster.

  25. Congratulations on launching your etsy shop!

    I went to Paris when I was thirteen and what I remember most are the colors. The dark, brown-black streets, the glorious green in the trees, and bright blue sky.

  26. Fuh-UN! I just had to move away from Florida, so I'm particularly loving the Tampa colorway! : ) Thanks for hosting the contest! You can E-mail me at SarahLoisATmsnDOTcom if I win. : )

  27. congrats on the new shop!! i love the tampa colors! for my destination colors, i would pick green, red and and yellow for colors to represent the caribbean!

  28. Congrats on your shop! I want a west coast colourway -- Vancouver/Seattle, to be more precise. Grey for clouds and rain, blue for water and green for the grass that we get even at the height of summer.

    There used to be a Regia Canadian colourway, but all the west coast colours sold out first.

  29. Rrr, Blogger ate my last comment. I came here via the link on Ravelry, by the way.

    First off, I want to say that your yarns look gorgeous.:)

    Two of my favorite places I've traveled have been the Thousand Islands-- cool, forest greens, yellows and oranges, and a deep, serene blue-- and Delphi-- golden yellow, shining white, copper, and dirty red. I won't be around this weekend to see who wins, alas-- I'll be adding more places to that list, hopefully, with Paris and Madrid. But I'll be sure to check out your Etsy shop once I get back Stateside in July.


  30. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Congrats on the new Etsy shop! I love Etsy shops!

    Having traveled all over the States, I must say that my favorite place is Colorado - the Rocky Mountains. I was born in Vail, and though my family moved away when I was still very young, it still has a very special place in my heart. The colors that I think of are that misty purple that the mountains turn on a hazy summer day, the lavender columbine that grows abundantly on the hillsides, and golden dappled sunlight playing through the aspens.

    Here's to more fibery goodness!

    --Steffi1190 from Ravelry

  31. Hmm, I'd have a hard time choosing my favorite place but I'd do white, blue and green for Greece, or maybe white and a teal-y blue ocean color.
    And for India I'm thinking reds, saffron and oranges. Reds for the bindis (the dots that the women wear on their foreheads) and the saffron and oranges for the spices.

  32. I just found this other page for your contest -- an artist has chosen pantone colours for Canadian cities:

  33. Kentucky - Imagine a field of bluegrass with thoroughbreds prancing about! Colors- deep blue/ greens

  34. Hi Dear,

    Congratulations of your newly open esty shop.

    My favourite and dream place is Alaska. Do u have any colour of this beautiful place ?

    I m looking forward to this colour, thank you.


  35. Hi! I would love to see a Seattle colorway. Lots of greens, greys and blues with a hint of purple. (Trees, ferns, clouds, concrete, water, mountains, and the purple glass in Pioneer Square!)
    Kim (rav: ksknitchic)

  36. Absolutely beautiful yarns!! My favorite place is within 50 miles of my home. The Perrine Bridge spans the Snake River Canyon. I love to sit there and think, relax and/or knit. The colors are the greens and blue grays of the canyon walls coming up to the skyline of light blue/purple. It is an incredible blend of colors just as the sun is setting. Come to think of it, it is just as cool on a moonlit night with the stormy grey night and the yellow headlights of the cars crossing the bridge and just a hint of white fog rising from the river. That memory always makes me smile.

  37. OK I'm here finally with my entry! I'm just gonna paste this from my e-mail earlier. =D

    How about an Adirondacks colorway, if you've ever been there? Oooh I can picture it. The Adirondacks would be greys (mountains) mixed with fall foliage colors - dark reds, rusty oranges and melony yellows. And of course some pine green.

  38. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I used to live in Alaska and miss it. The Alaskan colorway? Glacier Water Blue, Shades of Green (the summer growing season is very lush), Brown of the dirt and mountains with a wee bit of White tossed in for, you guessed it, the snow.

  39. Wow! I love all the colors.
    About 14 years ago I spent 9 days in Ireland. I have never seen so many beautiful shades of green. Maybe with a hint of gold :-)

  40. Ok, so my favorite place to visit this year was Savannah and the colors I remember are deep purple (flowers that we saw everywhere), light grey (faded tombstones), and brick red.

    I also like Sedona and the colors to me are a lot of coral-pinks and light tans (rock formations).

  41. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Hmmm..I would say my favorite place is the Maine coast. The dark blue ocean, grey rocks and the tan sand.

    WallflowerGirl on ravelry

  42. I have to say Paris is my favorite destination, so Paris Night gets my vote. Hope I win. Jill

  43. Barcelona Spain - long stripes of azure blue, terra cotta pink and then small bits of bright purple, orange, pink and green...these represent the buildlings, ocean/sky and the tiles of gaudi's work.

  44. Anonymous8:50 PM

    thanks for hosting this contest!

    I read about it on Ravelry, where I am Castrated Bean :)

    you do beautiful work by the way!

    my blog is


    you can expect a ping back!

    thanks again!!

  45. I am here from Karen's blog, and I love your idea! (Karen of Mostly Self Taught). I think your Paris Nights yarn captures that city perfectly.

    I'm doing family research and am all about Italy at the moment, so maybe something with a blue Med. sea and sky, the terracotta of the buildings, and the green of olive groves and vineyards. I can picture beiges and blues for Greece, and tulip-y colors for Holland too.

    Can't wait to see what else you dream up!

  46. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Very pretty! Cheers on your new endeavor.

  47. Anonymous2:02 PM

    How about a yarn for Detroit? I think it'd be steely & industrial - a mix of silvers, steel grays and sooty black.

    I think you hit the nail of the head with the Paris colorway - beautiful representation!

  48. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I lived in oceanside Ca. I loved it there. I would love to see a colorway to remind me of it there. The ocean 7 mins. away. Blue with a bit of yellow(sand) and a bit of green(palm trees). ooh and a bit of brown in there also (tree bark.)

  49. destination yarn rocks, jeanne - very impressed and loving the descriptions!!

  50. Your yarns are absolutely gorgeous! You have a real eye for colour.

    Newfoundland, Canada in the summertime would be represented by ocean greens, white (for the icebergs), and black (for the whales).

  51. I love your colorways - and the inspiration for them is just great!
    I would love to see a KY colorway to remind me of home - mostly blueish-green the color only KY bluegrass can be, some browns for the horses and then a bit of orange and red for the fall leaves changing, something I will miss having moved to SC. Congrats on your etsy shop as well!!


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