So we've started trying to feed the baby finger foods... and the results are pretty hilarious. Poor kid doesn't quite get it yet:
Ooooh Yay! I like Sweet Potato Puffs!
I just have to figure out how to get them into my mouth...
I think I grab it with my hand...
And then put it in my mouth.
I said "and then I put it in my mouth"
I don't understand why that didn't work.
Ooooh ok it's in the other hand! Now I get it.
I just put it in my mouth.
It's ok. It's ok. I can figure this out.
I just put it in my mouth.
This is seriously starting to piss me off.
Maybe if I shove my whole fist in?
Or could you just put one in there for me?
Thanks, Mommy! That was delicious!